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As a mama, you can do all the things to prep for your newborn session, and still be thrown a curve ball. We recently had our newborn pictures taken for Baby Boy #3, and even I had a few bumps in the road. I even wore baby boy while I did my hair and makeup […]

5 Ways to Prep for Your Newborn Session


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As a mama, you can do all the things to prep for your newborn session, and still be thrown a curve ball. We recently had our newborn pictures taken for Baby Boy #3, and even I had a few bumps in the road. I even wore baby boy while I did my hair and makeup […]

5 Ways to Prep for Your Newborn Session


Many times when I get inquiries mama asks if they can get family pictures at the newborn session too. The answer is, YES! I am not there just to take pictures of your sweet newborn (though I may spend extra time doing this especially if they are sleepy and content!) I want to capture your […]

Can I get family pictures at my newborn session? | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


We head into Spring Break next week. The thought of it is a bit overwhelming. Last year we were wondering what we would do with a 2 month old and almost 3 year old for a week. We hadn’t planned to go anywhere as this Mama was still in a haze. We had a few […]

Is Spring Break Bringing up all the Feelings? | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


Congratulations! You recently found out you are pregnant! I know how exciting it is, and the joy that comes when you receive that positive pregnancy test! It can be a time full of so many emotions. Joy. Anxiousness. Overwhelming. Who do you tell first? When do you tell someone? All the “what ifs” that come […]

How to Choose Your Newborn Photographer | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography
