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I knew with our third, he would have to be an on the go baby. We came home from the hospital in January and 3 days later Texas had an ice storm, so I was thrown into 3 kiddos all home very quickly. Thankfully my husband works from home so I did have extra hands, […]

My 3 Baby Must-Haves With Our 3rd?

Newborn, Personal

featured post

I knew with our third, he would have to be an on the go baby. We came home from the hospital in January and 3 days later Texas had an ice storm, so I was thrown into 3 kiddos all home very quickly. Thankfully my husband works from home so I did have extra hands, […]

My 3 Baby Must-Haves With Our 3rd?

Newborn, Personal

I took a big leap in November of 2020, to go full time with photography and take a step away from the corporate world. One of my goals when doing this was to have more time to be mama to our two boys. Though launching a full time photography business is a big task in […]

Motherhood. The Why Behind My Business

Newborn, Personal

Handsome Alexander. His precious nursery had some family pieces including daddy’s guitar and a sweet stain glass window from his dad’s childhood. I love to see how a family brings a nursery together to include older pieces as well as little accessories that bring back memories of a time together. Our nursery had tiny shoes […]

Alexander | Burleson, TX Newborn Photography


Motherhood. There are so many forms of motherhood and each is special in its own way. I have watched family and friends carry their own children, adopt, foster, become a step-mom, and in many other ways become “Mama”. No matter how you take on this role it is unique. It is something God has created […]

Ray | Dallas, TX Maternity Photography

Maternity, Portraits

I kicked off my 2018 sessions with precious Hudson! I love watching new parents during our session to see how they interact, watch over their little one, and figure out all the things as they maneuver this new thing called parenting. Hudson slept most of our session but it was sweet to watch as dad […]

Hudson | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography
