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This was one of my last sessions of 2018 and a favorite! It was a sweet way to end the year capturing a growing family with their 3rd baby boy followed by these new parents who are anticipating the arrival of their baby boy any day! I loved getting to know Sara and Dan as […]

Disser | Dallas, TX Maternity Photography

Maternity, Portraits

featured post

This was one of my last sessions of 2018 and a favorite! It was a sweet way to end the year capturing a growing family with their 3rd baby boy followed by these new parents who are anticipating the arrival of their baby boy any day! I loved getting to know Sara and Dan as […]

Disser | Dallas, TX Maternity Photography

Maternity, Portraits

This gorgeous mama welcomed her baby boy, so what perfect timing to share her maternity session! After rescheduling with the Fall rain we received, it turned out to be a perfect day for this beautiful couple! They were laid-back and sweet as can be. Both were so excited to welcome their baby boy in early […]

Bell | Dallas, TX Maternity Photography

Maternity, Portraits

Miss Tilly Kate! This little lady is 8 months now! Where has the time gone? I met her sweet Mama through Junior League several years ago. She has been such a joy to know over the years, and it is so fun to watch as we have both married and now have little ones. She […]

Tilly Kate | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


Motherhood. There are so many forms of motherhood and each is special in its own way. I have watched family and friends carry their own children, adopt, foster, become a step-mom, and in many other ways become “Mama”. No matter how you take on this role it is unique. It is something God has created […]

Ray | Dallas, TX Maternity Photography

Maternity, Portraits

The happiest little Leo! We did Leo’s newborn session at about 6 weeks. He was awake, happy, and just the sweetest. I loved doing his session at 6 weeks for several reason. He had better eye contract and we got to see those big brown eyes, his sweet little smile has developed, but we still […]

Leo | Allen, TX Newborn Photography


The littlest of 3 boys, baby Bennett rounds out the family. This little guy was a champ during our session. His brothers loved on him and wanted to watch as we snapped pictures of mom and dad with Bennett. Plus, this gorgeous light filled nursery was just the perfect backdrop for our morning session. Enjoy […]

Vilfordi | Dallas, TX Family Photography


I kicked off my 2018 sessions with precious Hudson! I love watching new parents during our session to see how they interact, watch over their little one, and figure out all the things as they maneuver this new thing called parenting. Hudson slept most of our session but it was sweet to watch as dad […]

Hudson | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography
