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Little Miss Annie! I was honored to get to photograph this sweet couples second baby earlier this year. I had fun catching up, playing with big brother, and capturing their beautiful baby girl. Once big brother warmed up to me though, he wanted to play with his trucks and made himself at home in my […]

Annie | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


featured post

Little Miss Annie! I was honored to get to photograph this sweet couples second baby earlier this year. I had fun catching up, playing with big brother, and capturing their beautiful baby girl. Once big brother warmed up to me though, he wanted to play with his trucks and made himself at home in my […]

Annie | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


Love capturing every milestone for this precious family! Little Charlotte is precious and always love getting to snap a few of Miss Gertie!

Charlotte | Dallas, TX Portrait Photography


The littlest of 3 boys, baby Bennett rounds out the family. This little guy was a champ during our session. His brothers loved on him and wanted to watch as we snapped pictures of mom and dad with Bennett. Plus, this gorgeous light filled nursery was just the perfect backdrop for our morning session. Enjoy […]

Vilfordi | Dallas, TX Family Photography


Handsome little Trace! He’s the youngest of three with two adoring sisters. They were just the sweetest with him and he was just the most relaxed little guy. Mom let me try a few things, move things, rearrange things, you name it! To make sure we got just the perfect pictures and I can’t thank […]

Trace | Ennis, TX Newborn Photography


Enjoying the rain for a change, but hope this little one will bring some sunshine to your day! Miss Grace! She decided to wake up and enjoy or little session but was so very precious. Calm, taking in her surroundings with her beautiful brown eyes, and just content as could be. Her full head of […]

Grace | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


I kicked off my 2018 sessions with precious Hudson! I love watching new parents during our session to see how they interact, watch over their little one, and figure out all the things as they maneuver this new thing called parenting. Hudson slept most of our session but it was sweet to watch as dad […]

Hudson | Dallas, TX Newborn Photography


Little Miss Zoey was a perfect Christmas present for her family! She arrived just days before and Big Sister could not have been more excited! Those big brown eyes and gorgeous little face. I have loved getting to capture such special moments for this family as they welcomed both their precious daughters.

Zoey | Dallas, TX Fresh 48 Photography

Fresh 48, Newborn

I have been throwing around the idea of offering sessions at a natural light studio. I think it is so special to have Mommy and Me sessions because we all know, us Mama’s don’t get in front of the camera enough! So after testing out The Lumen Room with the CUTEST models! I have decided […]

Mommy + Me | Dallas, TX Studio Photography

Mommy + Me

Ya’ll is Abby Lou not the most precious little thing you have seen? Oh how I loved capturing her this past year! Her newborns, 6 month, and 1 year session. She has the most contagious smile. She has grown so much and it has been a joy to watch her! Her parents are one of […]

Abby Lou | Dallas, TX Portrait Photography


From roommates to weddings and now babies, this sweet mama is like a sister to me. It has been fun to watch as these two became parents over the past few years and get to capture such a special time. Little Miss Annalee is just as gorgeous as her big sisters and loved oh so […]

Annalee | Frisco, TX Newborn Photography
